The online Virtual Training The online Virtual Training on the Age of Document for qualification upgrade of forensic experts

The online Virtual Training on the Age of Document “The Importance of Using Chemical Testing and Ink Dating to Determine If Documents are Genuine or Fraudulent” was delivered on Zoom-platform for qualification upgrade of forensic experts of the Center. As part of the project “Strengthening of Forensic Examination in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the refresher course on the age of document was held for forensic experts from September 2 to September 22, 2020. The course on “The Importance of Using Chemical Testing and Ink Dating to Determine if Documents are Genuine or Fraudulent” was delivered through ZOOM platform.The goal of this course is implement the new type of examination and train experts in document dating to determine if documents are genuine or fraudulent. Twenty one experts from all territorial divisions of the Center of Forensic Examinations, who are involved in questioned document examination, took part in the 18-hour training. The course was conducted by Florida International University, Florida, USA. Upon completion of the course, all participants were issued certificates.