The online refresher training on The Use of IT Technology For Forensic Examination

The online refresher training on “The Use of IT Technology For Forensic Examination / Forensic Analysis of Digital Video In Forensic Examination” was delivered on Zoom-platform for forensic experts of the Center. From August 13 to August 14, 2020, the online refresher course “The Use of IT Technology for Forensic Examination /Forensic Analysis of Digital Video in Forensic Examination” was held for forensic experts through zoom-platform. This course was organized within the framework of the project “Strengthening of Forensic Examination in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The goal of this course is implement the new type of examination and train experts in the latest methods of IT technology application, namely forensic analysis of digital video. All computer experts from all territorial divisions of the Center of Forensic Examinations took part in the 2-day training. The course was delivered by “Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association International, Inc.” (LEVA), which is a non-profit corporation established in 1989 that provides globally recognized training and certification in the forensic examination of video.