Employees of the Center for Forensic Examinations held seminars for students

Pursuant to paragraph 1 of the Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022, approved by the Order of the Head of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 11, 2022 No. 31n, the Center staff conducted seminars among students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions on the topic: “Corruption is a disease, the fight against it is our duty.” The main purpose of the seminar is to instill in students the qualities of justice, honesty and integrity, as well as the formation and development of patriotic feelings.
On 31.05.2022, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Nugmanov Center Rakhmetulla Tanatovich gave a lecture in Kazakh on the topic of combating corruption to students of the State Committee of the “Technical College” of the Akimat of Nur-Sultan, familiarizing them with the basic requirements of legislation on combating corruption.
It is not by chance that the staff of the RSE “Center for Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan” chose such a form of information submission as a seminar with a lecture. After all, lecturing in a student audience has been and will remain the cornerstone, the foundation of education and the study of any branch of science. It is the lecturer’s speech, his living word, that can best convey information to the student about responsibility for committing any forms and manifestations of corruption, awaken in him a conscious intransigence to it, form a firm civil position on this issue.