Public and private experts are consalidated

The Center for Forensic Examinations and the Republican Chamber of Forensic Experts expressed their intention to work together in order to:
1) Improvement of scientific, methodological and educational support in the field of forensic expertise;
2) Expansion of cooperation in the field of research and expert activities;
3) Development of a competitive environment in the field of forensic expertise;
4) Consistent expansion of the list of examinations assigned to the branches of the Center for transfer to private forensic experts through public procurement of services and continuation of the practice of full transfer of forensic examinations to a competitive environment in individual territorial divisions of the Center;
5) Creating conditions for experts to obtain licenses to engage in forensic expertise;
6) Cooperation in the field of implementation, maintenance and implementation of information systems and programs in the field of forensic expertise;
7) Coordination of activities in the field of development of international cooperation in the field of scientific, methodological, research support of forensic examinations;
8) Minimization of corruption-causing factors in the activities of the parties;
9) Support in the interests of the parties of initiatives aimed at the development of forensic expertise.
These intentions were fixed by the parties in a Memorandum signed on December 13, 2021. In this regard, the Parties strengthen, develop and promote joint activities in the field of research and development on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.