Chemical and toxicological study of the drug tropicamide

This article discusses the study of the drug tropicamide by thin-layer chromatography from objects (cadaveric material) presented for analysis in a chemical-toxicological laboratory.
Tropicamide is intended for diagnostic purposes during ophthalmoscopy and refraction detection, to prevent the development of synechiae in the complex treatment of inflammatory eye diseases. Frequent use of the drug leads to addiction and mental dependence. Regular vaccination can lead to serious consequences in a very short time. Tropicamide causes hallucinations. The dependence and consequences of the use of tropicamide are several times stronger than heroin. In drug addicts, the skin turns yellow within a few weeks, hemoglobin drops to 32 g / l.
The aim of our study is to study and determine methods for the isolation of tropicamide from biological material. To study tropicamide in organic sediment, the following methods were used: eye drops of 1% solution of midriacil (tropicamide) s.w. were used as a standard substance for the study. Alcon Coover n.v. B-2870 Poorse, Belgium.
Summarizing the results of the study, on the basis of the studies carried out, it is possible to propose the method described above for the isolation of tropicamide from aqueous solutions and various biological objects. In this case, when extracting from acidic solutions, chloroform should be used instead of ether, and the main extraction of tropicamide should be carried out at pH 9.