The Minister of Justice K.S.Musin held a meeting on problematic issues of forensic, psychiatric, and narcological examinations

The meeting was attended by employees of the Department of Organization of Expert Activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Center for Forensic Examinations, the Institute of Forensic Examinations in Astana, as well as heads and employees of territorial divisions in videoconference mode.
The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.S.Musin made a welcoming speech, he noted the measures taken to develop forensic medical examination, including the material and technical equipment of the forensic examination body, increase the salaries of forensic experts, as well as the reorganizations carried out in the Department of Organization of Expert Activities aimed at the development of the scientific component of forensic examination and the introduction of innovative research methods.
Problematic issues of the medical part of the forensic examination and ways to solve them were voiced by the acting director of the Center for Forensic Examinations Bekzhanov Zh.L., as well as the acting director of the Institute of Forensic Examinations in Shymkent Ariphanov U.R.
Based on the results of the meeting, it was decided to summarize all the proposals made and develop a Program document for further improvement of forensic medical examination, as well as to focus on the development of the scientific potential of the Forensic Examination Center.