King’s Forensics continues successful collaboration with the Government of Kazakhstan

As noted by the teachers of King’s College London, the Kazakh students have graduated with new lab management skills, specialist training and greater knowledge of regulation and governance. Training in research skills and methods has also led to three papers being published in peer-reviewed academic journals.
Since October 2016 the Forensic Biochemistry Group led by Dr Nunzianda Frascione has fostered a working relationship the Government of Kazakhstan, training forensic experts to help reform its justice sector.
The latest round of funding, which was awarded in 2018, was focused solely on the professional development of 28 Kazakh forensic experts as part of the Bolashak International Scholarships. These prestigious scholarships are offered each year by the Government of Kazakhstan and give Kazakh nationals the opportunity to pursue further education at leading overseas universities.
This Programme was created by taking a learner-centred approach to enable and promote the development of adult professionals. The experts have received the knowledge and skills that will allow them to address national-level challenges. Through access to an international forensic perspective, participants have gained new critical thinking abilities and conducted research projects that will have a significant impact on their current roles. Three of these projects have been published in peer-reviewed journals, representing an excellent example of research-led teaching, innovation and impact.
During their stay in London the students received training from King’s scientists and visited forensic facilities across the UK. Each student also completed an independent research project, giving them the knowledge and skills needed to pioneer new techniques in Kazakhstan.