
It was impossible to make a mistake, the situation that arose worried all of us…

“In April 2019, two forensic environmental examinations were appointed in a criminal case on the fact of the mass death of fish in the Ural River. To resolve the examinations, a number of issues were raised, including the establishment of the cause of fish death in the Ural River, as well as the source of substances polluting the water of the Ural River.

“”We went to the region and examined the Ural River, Atyrau Su Arnasy, thermal power plants, sturgeon fish hatcheries and Lugovsky stud farm. It was impossible to make a mistake, the situation that arose worried all of us.”

“The technological cycles of each enterprise were studied, studies of dead fish, water samples, ice, bottom sediments were conducted. To determine the cause of mass death of fish, multi-stage studies of organs and tissues of fish and sturgeon breeds selected on the Ural River, an experiment on the effect of chlorine-containing substances on fish were conducted. The cause was poisoning of fish as a result of exposure to a highly toxic substance-chlorine, which led to violations of the respiratory function of fish, damage to the internal organs of fish, including the liver, intestines, pancreas.”

“In order to determine the source of pollutants, we conducted studies of selected samples of water, ice and bottom sediments of the Ural River, analysis of numerous test reports of water samples taken at different time periods and conducted by accredited laboratories, analysis of data on the technological cycles of enterprises using river water and the reagents used by them.

The obtained results showed that the source of chlorides and free chlorine was conditionally pure water discharged into the Ural River by the Atyrau Su Arnasy enterprise. The results of the conducted examinations formed the basis of the indictment of law enforcement agencies in the criminal case under consideration.”

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