
А scientific and practical seminar was held on the topic: “The current state of forensic environmental expertise in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problematic issues and development prospects”

On June 29, 2022, a scientific and practical seminar was held on the topic: “The current state of forensic environmental expertise in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problematic issues and development prospects”
The seminar was attended by forensic experts of the territorial divisions of the Center.
During the seminar, reports on the following topics were presented:
1) The current state of forensic environmental expertise in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problematic issues and development prospects. The results of summarizing the expert practice of the CSE of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, processing the results of a questionnaire of environmental experts, analyzing appeals from law enforcement agencies and courts for use as evidence of the conclusions of the examinations conducted, analyzing appeals from law enforcement agencies and courts for the validity of refusals to conduct examinations, achievements and shortcomings, objective, subjective causes of deficiencies and ways to eliminate them were heard; tasks for the future in order to strengthen the theoretical, methodological base and further development of forensic environmental expertise, in general.
2) Presentation of the Methodology of forensic ecological research in order to establish the cause of mass death of aquatic vertebrates of reservoirs contaminated with industrial waste on the examples of examinations on the fact of mass death of swans on ponds of sludge accumulators and mass death of fish in the Ural River.
3) Analysis of expert practice in the study of water bodies and presentation of the Methodology of forensic examination of the ecological state of surface natural waters on the example of the conducted examinations.
4) Analysis of expert practice and problematic issues of environmental expertise in the ISE in the Pavlodar region.
5) Analysis of expert practice and problematic issues of environmental expertise in the ISE in the Karaganda region.
6) Analysis of expert practice and problematic issues of environmental expertise in the ISE in Kostanay region.
7) Presentation of the Methodology of forensic research of the ecological state of natural and artificial phytocenoses.
8) The use of geochemical research methods in the production of forensic environmental examinations.
9) Analysis of expert practice in the study of soil-geological objects and presentation of the Methodology of forensic examination of the ecological state of objects of soil-geological origin on the examples of examinations conducted in the ISE in Almaty.
10) Forensic examination of the ecological state of environmental objects at landfills.
11) Presentation of the Methodology of forensic ecological research of soils contaminated with drilling waste on the example of the examinations conducted in the ISE in Almaty.
12) Landscape changes as a kind of environmental violations.
13) Presentation of the Methodology of forensic examination of the ecological state of environmental objects in order to establish the cost of restoration in calculating the damage caused by unauthorized extraction of common minerals (OPI).
The problematic issues arising during the appointment and in the course of the forensic environmental examination were discussed.
The results of the seminar were summed up, the seminar resolution was drawn up and adopted.

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