Аn online meeting of the Asian Forensic Science Network

On June 7, 2022, an online meeting of the Workgroup on Illicit Drugs and toxicology of the Asian Forensic Science Network (AFSN) took place.
During the work, representatives of the Laboratory of Analytical Toxicology, as well as the pharmaceutical laboratory of the Singapore Health Administration, a scientific consultant of the Department of Chemistry of Malaysia and a researcher at the Institute of Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of State Security of the People’s Republic of China made presentations. The presentations provide information about the variety of objects coming for research, the current situation in the field of cannabinoid research, problematic issues arising from forensic experts and scientists when analyzing objects.
The webinar is one of a series of online meetings of the Asian Forensic Science Network Workgroup and is held to assist in the work of forensic and toxicological laboratories.