A meeting of the Public Council of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan was held

On March 10, 2021, a meeting of the Public Council of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held under the chairmanship of the Head of the NGO “Kazakhstan Union of Lawyers” Akylbay S. B..
The event was held in an online format. The council was attended by Vice-Ministers of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan Madaliev A. K. and Pan N. V., as well as representatives of the Republican Bar Association, Public associations, university teachers, etc.
Acting Director of the Center for Forensic Examinations R. T. Nugmanov made a report on the further development of forensic expert activities, as well as on the prospects for strengthening its material and technical base. The speech covered the issues of construction of buildings of forensic examination Institutes in Nur-Sultan and other regions of Kazakhstan. Special attention was paid to equipping laboratories with high-tech equipment that allows them to pass international accreditation for compliance with GOST ISO / 17025-2019 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”.
In conclusion, R. T. Nugmanov answered the questions of the members of the Public Council.