The results of the work of the Technical Committee were heard

On August 13, 2021, an online conference was held, in which the results of the work of the Technical Committee 105 on Standardization in the field of forensic expertise and related areas “Forensic expertise”were heard. Following the results of the conference, in order to unify the terms used and develop a unified approach, it was decided to conduct active cooperation on the development of standards ” Forensic expert study of handwriting and signatures. Terms and definitions”, ” Forensic technical examination of documents. Terms and definitions”, ” Forensic habitological research. Terms and definitions”, ” Forensic expert investigation of the circumstances of road accidents. Terms and definitions”, ” Forensic investigation of the circumstances of fires. Terms and definitions”, ” Forensic examination of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors. Terms and definitions”, ” Forensic chemical and toxicological research. Terms and definitions” and ” Forensic psychiatric examination. Terms and definitions” within the framework of the National Standardization Plan for 2022. The expansion of the scope of application of the standard ST RK ISO 21043-1 “Forensic examination” was also discussed. Terms and definitions” with the addition of the field of criminology. In addition, we note that the standards of ST RK 3533-2020 “Forensic molecular genetic examination” have been approved. Terms and definitions”, ST RK 3534-2020 ” Forensic psychological examination. Terms and definitions”, ST RK 3535-2020 ” Forensic technological expertise. Forensic expert research of computer technology tools Terms and definitions”, ST RK 3536-2020 ” Forensic phonographic examination. Terms and definitions”, ST RK 3537-2020 ” Forensic environmental expertise. Terms and definitions”, ST RK 3708-2021 ” Chemical and toxicological studies. Determination of the mass concentration of ethanol in blood and urine samples by vapor-phase gas chromatography”, ST RK 3709-2021 ” Molecular genetic studies. Determination of the human genetic profile by the method of nuclear DNA research”, developed by TC 105.