Тo summarize the results of the Fiber Collaborative Exercise

On November 11, 2020, an online meeting was held on the ZOOM platform to summarize the results of the Fiber Collaborative Exercise 2020, organized by the Asian Forensic Science Network (AFSN).
The meeting was attended by representatives of forensic institutions of the PRC, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Brunei. The Kazakh side was represented by the Deputy Director of Shymkent Forensic Examination Institute B. Tlegenov. and the chief experts of Almaty Forensic Examination Institute Burkhanbaeva T.T. and Nogaeva S.K.
During the meeting, the participants were presented with new, effective methods of forensic examination of fibers, as well as the instrumental and technical base used in this type of research.
At the end of the meeting, the organizers and participants of the meeting expressed their hope for further successful cooperation.